Customer may return products in original packaging.
To be eligible for a product refund, customer will need to fill out the Return Authorisation Form within the 30-day time period of the purchase date.
To facilitate the refund, product MUST be returned to our mailing address (262 Blackwall Road, Chuwar QLD 4306) within 14 days of filling out the Return Authorisation Form.
As soon as we receive the product, the refund will be processed.
A processing fee of 5% of the purchase price will be charged on all returned items.
If your order was paid via AfterPay, Stripe or PayPal, a 5% processing fee is charged on the total cost of the order if the original order is over $250.00. All orders facilitated under $250.00 incur a flat fee of $15.00.
Any item that has been removed from its original packaging and/or used in any form is not covered by our 30-day money back guarantee policy; However, customer can receive partial purchase price depending on what has been used. Customer will need to contact 1800 223 364 for clarification of refund terms.